
Company profile of Vita Genomics published in Pharmacogenomics
Company profile of Vita Genomics published in Pharmacogenomics
June 23, 2007

Recently, the company profile of Vita Genomics was published in Pharmacogenomics. Please see the company profile of Vita Genomics in Pharmacogenomics, June 2007, Vol. 8, No. 6, Pages 669-673. 
Vita Genomics, Inc., centered in Taiwan and China, aims to be a premier genomics-based biotechnological and biopharmaceutical company in the Asia–Pacific region. The company focuses on conducting pharmacogenomics research, in vitro diagnosis product development, and specialty contract research services in both genomics and pharmacogenomics fields. We are now initiating a drug rescue program designed to resurrect drugs that have failed in the previous clinical trials owing to low efficacies. This program applies pharmacogenomics approaches using biomarkers to screen subsets of patients who may respond better or avoid adverse responses to the test drugs. Vita Genomics, Inc. has envisioned itself as an important player in the healthcare industry offering advanced molecular diagnostic products and services, revolutionizing the drug-development process and providing pharmacogenomic solutions.


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