clinical genomics analysis

Clinical genomics analysis 

Analysis Introduction

Collects clinical specimen samples of Asia-Pacific human kinds, and further integrates the clinical phenotype, ethnic background, living environment, and personally daily habits information so as to set up an Asia-specific database.


Establishes intact sample database for ethnics in Asia as the basis of the genetic research and source for genetic testing of companion test


Two sets of laboratory information management system: (1.) Nautilus LIMS, (2.) Clinical Sample Database help build correlative database that makes data storage, analysis, and extraction more affluently and completely.


Vita Genomics not only collects clinical specimen samples of Asia-Pacific human kinds, but also integrates the clinical phenotype, ethnic background, living environment, and personally daily habits information so as to set up an Asia-specific database for basis genetic research.
In response to demand of data management and analysis for clinical genomics, Vita Genomics has built two sets of laboratory information management system: (1.) Nautilus LIMS, (2.) Clinical Sample Database. Meanwhile sets up the correlative database for data storage, analytics and extraction.